Healing Process

Day of Your Surgery

Surgery day is finally here! Here is what to expect.

You are scheduled to have cosmetic surgery, have followed your preoperative instructions and got the all-clear from your medical team. Feeling excited and possibly anxious, you probably have many questions about what to expect on the day of your surgery.

First, know that you are in good hands at Chattahoochee Plastic Surgery. Our board-certified surgeons will tell you everything you need to know about your surgery day during one of your preoperative appointments.

Together with our surgeons, our entire staff wants you to feel safe and comfortable throughout your time with us. We understand that surgery can be stressful. We are always here to answer your questions or if you simply need someone to talk to. Your safety and comfort are always our top priorities.

DISCLAIMER: The information provided on this page is meant for educational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. Please discuss the details of your treatment with your surgeon during one of your consultations.

Getting Ready for Surgery

Our team will give you detailed instructions on what you need to do to get ready for your surgery. Because each patient is different, these instructions are highly individualized. But in most cases, patients need to do the following immediately preceding surgery:

NPO (nothing per oral)

Do not eat or drink anything past midnight on the night before surgery. The only exception is taking prescription medications with a sip of water on the morning of surgery. If you do not follow this instruction, we will have to cancel or delay your procedure.

Shower and cleanse

Showering and cleansing your face the night before and the morning of your surgery will minimize your risk of infections. We recommend showering with an antiseptic soap like Hibiclens, paying special attention to the areas being treated. Make sure to use a clean towel to dry and to put on clean clothing.

No cosmetics

Do not apply creams, lotions, deodorant, makeup, nail polish or any other cosmetic on the day of your surgery. This is important for your safety and helps your surgeon monitor your recovery by seeing your real skin color.

No accessories

Bring comfortable and loose-fitting clothing to change into after your surgery. Leave jewelry, piercings, watches and contact lenses at home.

Right Before Surgery

You will check in at the Brookstone Ambulatory Surgery Center (BASC), which is adjoined to our building for your convenience. You may need to fill out some paperwork and give a urine sample. After that, our staff will take you to the pre-op area and let you change into a surgical gown. You will then meet with your surgeon Dr. Naman, who will mark you for surgery and answer any last questions you might have.

After your meeting with your surgeon, our anesthetist will introduce themselves to you. They will review your medical history and confirm that you are in good condition for anesthesia. If all is clear, our staff will bring you to the operating room, where you will be given anesthesia (and IV sedation if indicated).

The Surgery Process

You will be monitored using the latest technology so your surgeon can keep an eye on your vital signs throughout the procedure. Some procedures can be performed under local anesthesia. Examples include eyelid surgery, endoscopic brow lifts or chin augmentation. However, many require the use of general anesthesia, which puts patients into a sleep-like state.

No matter which anesthesia is used, rest assured that you won’t feel any pain during the procedure.

Our surgeons utilize many different surgical techniques to yield the best results. Many involve making incisions to reposition skin and tissues, while others use endoscopy to minimize scarring. Others use cannulas to remove excess fat. Reconstructive procedures aim to reconstruct body parts or improve their function, while cosmetic procedures improve appearance.

The duration of your procedure depends on how complex it is. A simple eye lift can take as little as one hour, while complex breast reconstructions can take many hours.

Once your surgery is complete, you are moved to a recovery room where we will continue monitoring your vitals until you wake from anesthesia.

Going Home

Because we are an outpatient center, patients are allowed to go home on the day of their surgery. You must have an arranged drive back home; DO NOT take a cab or attempt to drive yourself back home. The effects of anesthesia tend to linger, and even minor procedures can impair your driving abilities.

We highly advise arranging help at home as well. You will be groggy and sore for some time after surgery, so it’s good to have someone help you around your home, especially if you have children or pets that need tending to.

At home, follow your surgeon’s post-op instructions. These include when and how to shower, how to take care of your stitches and which medicines to take. Your team will schedule your follow-up appointment after your surgery, and your surgeon will stay in contact with you to follow the progress of your recovery.

To learn more about what to expect on the day of your surgery, contact Chattahoochee Plastic Surgery at (706) 494-7700 or fill out our online appointment form.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 15:13

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