Recovery Tips
After the initial 24-48 hours, you will be gradually returning back to normal. It is important to start slowly introducing physical activity and meals into your daily routine and to stick to your surgeon’s post-op instructions:
- Try to eat three light meals a day, if your appetite allows it. If you are experiencing constipation, use a stool softener and make sure you’re drinking enough fluids. Constipation is common after surgery.
- Start walking around the house but do rest frequently when you begin to feel exhausted. Avoid exercising, housework and strenuous activity until your doctor says it’s ok.
- Avoid smoking and alcohol at least until you have fully recovered. Smoking constricts blood vessels and can slow down healing. Alcohol can interact with your medication and worsen inflammation.
- If you were given compression garments, do wear them consistently and only take them off when showering. Compression garments help reduce swelling and bruising.