Body Procedures

Brazilian Butt Lift

While diet and exercise can give you a curvier and more toned buttock area, there are limits to what these approaches can achieve. The reason is that your genes significantly affect the shape and proportions of your lower body, and this cannot be changed no matter your lifestyle. Aging can also affect where your body stores fat.

If your backside lacks fullness and definition despite a healthy lifestyle, you may want to consider a Brazilian butt lift. This procedure uses your body’s own fat to enhance the shape and size of your buttocks and sculpt your lower body. Our board-certified plastic surgeons use only safe and tested techniques in our accredited facility when performing this cosmetic procedure.

What Is a Brazilian Butt Lift?

A Brazilian butt lift, also known as a BBL or as gluteal fat grafting, is a cosmetic procedure that augments the buttocks using the patient’s own fat. This procedure is also performed to contour the lower body. The goal of this procedure is to create curvier and better-proportioned buttocks.

A Brazilian butt lift is a two-step process:

  1. Liposuction: Fat is removed from your thighs, abdomen, flanks or back using a cannula and a vacuum device.
  2. Fat grafting: The extracted fat is purified and injected into different points in the buttocks to create a more aesthetically pleasing contour.

Ideal Candidates for a Brazilian Butt Lift

A Brazilian butt lift is intended for patients who want to improve the fullness, definition and shape of their buttocks without implants. However, to be a good candidate for this treatment, you also need to fit the following criteria:

  • You are in good physical and mental health, i.e., you don’t suffer chronic health conditions that put you at risk of infections or poor healing.
  • You don’t smoke or are committed to quitting before and after your procedure.
  • You have good skin elasticity in the buttocks area, which is important in how the final results look.
  • You have adequate fat stores in other areas, such as the thighs, abdomen, flanks and back.
  • You have realistic expectations and a positive mindset.
  • You can take the recommended time off from work, exercise and social activities to recover.

The Brazilian Butt Lift Process

A Brazilian butt lift is a surgical procedure performed at our state-licensed Brookstone Ambulatory Surgery Center. It is an outpatient procedure that requires good preparation, adequate planning and committed recovery for successful results.


You will meet with our board-certified surgeon, Dr. Naman, for an initial consultation. He will review your medical history and perform a physical exam to see if you are a good candidate. He will likely order medical tests and take photos to compare your results.

In the weeks leading up to your surgery date, you will need to follow specific instructions, which usually involve the following:

  • Quit smoking for at least four to six weeks before surgery and six weeks after your surgery.
  • Avoid medications, supplements and foods that increase your risk of uncontrolled bleeding, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, vitamin E, fish oil and alcohol, among many others.
  • Fill your prescriptions beforehand, which may include your usual medications, as well as pain medications needed after your surgery.
  • Arrange your drive back home and plan to have a caregiver for at least two days after your surgery.
  • Plan to take six weeks of time off work and other strenuous and social activities.
  • Do not eat or drink anything, including water, after midnight on your surgery day; otherwise, your surgery will be postponed.


Surgery will be carried out in our state-licensed Brookstone Ambulatory Surgery Center. Your surgeon will see you for a preoperative evaluation and will walk you through the procedure. Our licensed anesthetist will then introduce themself to you and will evaluate your medical record.

Once you are put under anesthesia, your surgeon will create a small incision to place a thin tube called a cannula to extract fat. The extracted fat is then purified and injected above the buttocks muscles and just underneath the skin using a syringe.

Recovery & Results

You will be taken to a recovery room, where we will monitor your vitals until you wake from anesthesia. Patients are usually allowed to go home after two hours after surgery so they can resume their recovery at home.

After surgery, you will feel drowsy and sore. Pain can be managed with prescription or over-the-counter medications and plenty of rest. You will be encouraged to walk around your home for a couple of minutes each day during your first post-op week. You will be instructed to wear compression garments for at least a month.

An important aspect of BBL recovery is to avoid prolonged sitting or to use specially designed pillows to provide cushioning. Patients must be willing to commit to this for optimal results.

Want to Learn More About Brazilian Butt Lift in Columbus, GA?

A BBL is a great way to enhance your figure. Not only does this treatment improve the shape of your buttocks, but it can also contour your body. If you want to learn more about the benefits of a Brazilian butt lift, our team at Chattahoochee Plastic Surgery is here to assist you and answer any questions you might have. We want to help you feel secure in your choice to have treatment at our ambulatory center.

To learn more about BBL surgery in Columbus, GA, call Chattahoochee Plastic Surgery at (706) 494-7700 or fill out our online appointment form.

Frequently Asked Questions

How safe is a Brazilian Butt Lift?

When performed by a trained and skilled surgeon in an accredited facility, a Brazilian butt lift is relatively safe. There are risks involved with this surgery, as there are with any surgery, the most dangerous being fat embolism. We make sure to use appropriate injection techniques to minimize the risk of this complication. Other risks include bleeding, bruising, blood clots, infection and allergic reaction to anesthesia.

How long before I can sit normally after a Brazilian butt lift?

It will take at least three weeks before you can sit after this procedure. After a Brazilian butt lift, fat grafts take some time to develop a good enough blood supply to sustain themselves. Applying pressure to the buttocks can slow down or even prevent this process, leading to excessive death of fat cells. Remember that not all of the transferred fat will survive after this procedure; this is normal and expected.

Will a Brazilian butt lift leave scars?

The incisions needed for a Brazilian butt lift are minimal — no larger than half an inch — so scarring is barely noticeable. The scars are usually positioned in natural creases and dimples to further minimize their visibility.

Are the results from a Brazilian butt lift permanent?

Yes! The results from a Brazilian butt lift will last you for decades, especially if you follow a healthy lifestyle.

Can you combine a Brazilian butt lift with a thigh lift?

Patients who want to enhance the appearance of their entire lower body area can benefit from a combination of a Brazilian butt lift and thigh lift, which we can perform together in a single sitting.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 15:13

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